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Systemic Corporate Coaching



Coaching is a powerful approach aimed at finding solutions in the process of helping and supporting the individual in achieving his or her own excellence.


Systemic Coaching is a creative, challenging and motivating conversation that leads to transformation and personal and professional self-realization.


Systemic Corporate Coaching is highly results-oriented, promoting the development of new strategies for thinking and acting that are actually the opposite of problem solving and past conflicts.


It is about transforming the way a person connects and works with other people, helping them strengthen and become creative, resourceful and able to find answers to their challenges.


It is about teaching employees to maximize productivity, efficiency and effectiveness without being oppressive to people who work with them.


It is about motivating and inspiring employees at all levels to start acting differently and implement strategies and tactics that make sure tangible improvements happen.


And when performed from the top-level, then it changes the way an organization operates, ultimately driving the organization on the path of growth to achieve its mission.

Corporate Coaching is aimed at:

  • Discovering employees’ limits, abilities and potential to change the direction of their gaze,

  • Developing and maximizing an employee’s talent and potential, in consonance with the values and goals set by the company.

  • Developing employees leadership skills, strengthening their abilities to adapt to change in order to improve the effectiveness of their communications and build strategic relationships with both colleagues and clients.

  • Upgrading the abilities, existing skills and expertise of executive-level leaders to enable them to drive change, be proactive, enhance performance and self-growth.


Individual Executive

Systemic Leadership CoachingEvery person has great power within him/herself that needs to be released. Sometimes it only takes a little excitement, a little direction, a little support, a little training and big things can happen.

Team & Organizational

Systemic Coaching - focuses on team internal processes or on the patterns that take place between the team members. It is a process of true partnership for creation of long lasting change within the whole team.

Ego  Serves  the  Soul


Do you know WHY you do what you do?

Do you want to discover and clarify what is important to you?


Do you feel insecure or oversaturated and unsure of how or where to start?


Do you want to expand your professional skills, grow and advance in your profession?


Do you want to find solutions to the issues you face in the workplace?


Do you want to find ways to improve your job performance?


Are you ready to do something different, but not sure what "something" is?


Are you looking for a change, a different perspective or do you have important goals that you want to achieve?


Or maybe you want to find out what would make a huge difference in your life if you worked on it?


In today's complex environment, more and more people are facing challenges and questions that need to be answered.


The Systemic Leadership Coaching is unique due to its holistic approach as well - it includes not only WHAT to do and HOW to do it, but also WHO and WHERE, to create an environment in which positive change takes place and great success is achieved.

Individual Executive

In the process of managment and leadership 

it is very important to understand what you elicit to your interlocutors, what is your interaction when you face changes or challenges? Do your communication and the way you convey information lead to the desired results?

Individual Executive Leadership Coaching is intended for the management staff from senior and highest level of management and governance.

The Individual executive leadership coaching package includes:

  • 8 coaching session lasting 1.5 hours, with a professional Business Coach,

  • Report with recommendations for future development.

Schedule your free 45 minute session to find out the benefits of this exceptional coaching package.


The Content is never the Challenge


Systemic Team Coaching focuses on team internal processes or on the patterns that take place between the team members.

It is a process of true partnership for creation of lasting change, where a team coach works with a whole team, to help the team members:

  • to reveal how they work together in order to improve their collective performance.

  • to disclose how they develop their collective leadership to more effectively engage with all their key stakeholder groups,

  • to jointly transform the wider business and co-create value for all their stakeholders.


Systemic Organizational Coaching concerns the next larger order of professional system complexity.

Systemic Organizational Coaching involves coaching the entire organizational dynamics that creates the organizational culture and is performed over a long period of time.

Systemic Organizational coaching help teams to focus on their system-to-system network development.

Both Systemic Team Coaching and Systemic Organizational Coaching are aimed at understanding the processes undergoing within teams and the organization as a whole, embrace the useful ones and modify the ones that could ultimately have a more positive effect on their collective health and results.

Team & Organisational

Both Systemic Team Coaching and Systemic Organizational Coaching are tailor-made.

They are designed to meet the specific needs of each client and are unique in their specificity. Can be organized for teams of various sizes, from one or several organizations.


The Systemic Team Coaching and Systemic Organizational Coaching can vary in length and depth, ranging from lasting few days, to a tailored Coaching program, consisting of a blend of components mixed in a distinctive manner to satisfy the requests posed by the client.


Our methodology transcends the ordinarily used ones, since it a unique blend.

All participants are encouraged to take interactive part and also to take responsibility for their individual processes.

How to Proceed?

Phase 1

We schedule an initial meeting to discuss with you the needs and requirements for Systemic Team or Systemic Organizational Coaching, the type of coaching you demand, how we could best provide it and how to proceed.

Phase 2


We draft a coaching program, which includes price and costs, which then we review with you. Based on the expressed needs and requirements, taking into account the type of coaching you demand, we decide on an adequate team of trainers (internal and/or external).

Phase 3

We submit to you a finalized offer, which contains a comprehensive description of the coaching program and details related to the investment amount and payments terms.

Phase 4

Realization of the Tailor-made Coaching upon acceptance of the offer by your side.

Mediation Systemic Coaching

- is used when corporate conflict is at stake.

It is aimed at guiding two sides into an agreement. Meaning that in the end both sides have a feeling of being understood, seen and respected.

The starting point for both sides in a conflict has to be: Your Way and My Way it’s all New Way!

The most important issue in a corporate conflict is not the content of the conflict, it is the unconscious strategy each side has for dealing with a conflict.

Assistance is provided to both sides to become aware of the following 5 important things:

  1. To illuminate the trigger that evokes unwanted state;

  2. To discover the unconscious strategy for dealing with the trigger;

  3. To understand the unsatisfied need behind the strategy:

  4. To dissociate from the feelings connected to the unsatisfied need;

  5. To dissociate his/her colleague from his/her unsatisfied need.

Reach out to us to schedule your initial meeting.

Lets  Grow Together

Contact us to schedule your initial meeting.

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